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Stress Management

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for anxiety

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for anxiety

How are you feeling today?

Oriental medicine offers a holistic approach to stress management. If stress is bringing your energy down or lowering your immunity then talk to us today about how a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing might improve your quality of life.

By restoring balance at the physical level healing can occur at the emotional level. Similarly, by investigating your current emotional condition you are able to make links to physical imbalances that appear and address these at a deep and lasting level.

A little more about Stress

Exams, deadlines, finances and relationships – everywhere you turn you and your children are being called to action. There is growing evidence that stress may contribute to physical illness such as high blood pressure, proneness to infection and chronic fatigue.

Are you trying to quit smoking or give up coffee? Caffeine and nicotine withdrawal can result in cravings, restlessness and trouble concentrating or sleeping, irritability, anger, anxiety, depressed mood, or increase in appetite and weight gain. Oriental medicine sees the body, mind and emotions as an integrated whole. Your thoughts and feelings interact directly on your body and the state of your body directly affects your thoughts and feelings. So with a holistic approach to treatment, you can better manage your stress, whatever the source, and prevent many of its consequences.

According to Chinese medicine, each emotion that we feel has a specific impact on the nature of the energy that flows through your body. Anger makes energy rise; we often see angry cartoon characters with steam coming out of their ears and know exactly how they feel. Worry knots the energy and affects the digestion; it’s hard to nourish yourself with a knot in your stomach. Sadness dissolves energy and affects the lungs; we are often unable to breathe deeply or take in anything new and fresh when we are mourning for that which has passed. Fear makes energy descend; you can’t think straight when there is no energy in your head and you feel as though your very foundation has been rocked. Excessive excitement over stimulates the heart and it is only when the heart is calm that we are able to relax enough to sleep deeply and restore our senses.

Transformational Acupuncture treatments are a great addition to Traditional Chinese Medicine as energy is balanced at the level of the chakras. These treatments are also wonderful for helping you move on and move forward when going through grief or divorce.

Do you want to transform your life? Make an appointment today.

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Think well, Feel well

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